Why do it? Because you want all the mails for a person or job on your system accessible from the right record. Emails for people on your system are linked by (one or more) email name(s). Jobs, Events, Projects, Cases, etc are linked by a subject line code in the emails. Thus all the emails in and out of your organisation for Case 1234 are in the “job bag” 1234. Likewise, any emails to or from anyone in your company for fred@blogs.com will be found attached to his record in your system.
Together with notes, files, documents, telephone recordings push messages, etc., this means all information is not just “in one place” for your company but also ready sorted by person and subject/ project.
We link to most mailing services from G-Suite and legacy systems like MS Exchange and exim and dozens of others though to MS365 services. MS365 are the most commonly used in business, today.
This diagram shows you how to configure the Transport Rule to achieve the desired result. Obviously the parameters will be very different for a commercial company or public sector. However, the principles are the same.
This screenshot is from a client with the identifying data removed ad would be typical for a public sector site using AXLR82IR where an incoming email to a specific IG address (usually FOI@publicsectororganisationname.gov (or SAR@ or data Breach@, etc.) automatically creates a new information request (IR) and sends out an intelligent auto acknowledgement using Trigaware.

As ever, any questions, we are on 01344 776500 or support@axlr8.com